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Venus Direct In Sagittarius

Venus Direct In Sagittarius (29 January, 2022): Timing and Importance

We bring to you detailed predictions for Venus Direct In Sagittarius (29 January, 2022) with reliable remedies and astrological insights. Often hailed as the benefactor of material pleasures in life, the planet Venus is cumulatively responsible for marital bliss, all kinds of pleasures, fame, art, talent, beauty, romance, passion, etc. The transit of Venus is an important astronomical phenomenon in the realm of Vedic astrology, which can impact the lives of natives in an auspicious or inauspicious way. Within the domain of astrology, the transit of Venus goes on for about 23 days, that is, Venus remains posited in a zodiac for about 23 days and then moves on to the next zodiac sign. Being a beneficial planet, Venus directly affects the behavior and nature of the person when it is in its retrograde or direct motion.

Special Impact of Venus Direct On Natives

The direct motion of Venus is straightaway responsible for the way the mind and nature of women functions generally because this state of Venus generally invokes emotions of love and affection the most. As a result, a special inclination towards decoration can be seen in the minds of women. At the same time, Venus’ direct motion brings out the most lustful and luxuriant side in men. During this time, male natives can also consume intoxicants.

The planet Venus is the ruling lord of Taurus and Libra zodiac signs and it especially affects the seventh house in particular. According to the Kaal Purush Kundli, this house represents marriage, life partner, partner, etc. in our life. Therefore, higher importance is given to these areas, especially in addition to other conditions of life, considering them to be related to the material pleasures of the person.

Venus Direct In Sagittarius: Timings

Venus will continue to move back and forth in Sagittarius in 2022. It was in its retrograde state and now on Saturday, 29 January 2022, at 14:55, the retrograde motion will come to an end and the planet will return to its direct state. The morning star will be staying in Sagittarius for the whole year and Venus will affect all the zodiac signs in some way or the other. Let us now try to know the impacts of Venus direct in Sagittarius!


Venus is the ruling lord of the second and seventh house for the natives of Aries and now will be in their ninth house i.e. the house of luck. This position is going to prove auspicious for the people of Aries. Also, during this time you will get the full-fledged support of luck, as a result of which you will definitely get success in whatever work you are endowed with at the workplace.

You will also make progress in your career. Apart from this, those people who are associated with the business can avail good profit in their business as well. Many people will have an inclination towards religion during this period and due to this, they will spend their money on many religious activities. Along with this, you will get the support of your siblings and many good things will grace you.

Talking about love affairs, then the transit of Venus will also work to increase trust, communication and love between you two, which will make your relationship stronger.

Remedy: Offer Kheer to Goddess Lakshmi.


For Taurus natives, Venus is the ruling lord of Taurus and it also owns the sixth house of Taurus. The planet will enter your eighth house during this period. In such a situation, the transit of Venus in your eighth house will give you mixed results in your life.

You are diligently advised to be careful about your health at this hour. Especially if you were already suffering from any disease, then your problem will accelerate. However, you will get an opportunity to go on a short journey and it will be auspicious for you. But despite everything, you need to be a little careful during this time.

Beware of your enemies at your workplace as they may try to dominate you. Also, you are advised to eat only home-cooked food while avoiding outside food as much as possible during this period.

Remedy: Go to a nearby temple and light a ghee lamp regularly.


Venus maintains amicable relations with Mercury and presides over the fifth house and twelfth house of Gemini. This planet will be transiting in your seventh house during its transitory motion. In such a situation, the conjunction of Venus in your seventh house with Mars, who is already present there will work in your favour.

During this time you will get good results with regards to your relationships. Those single people who are contemplating marriage will get the blessings of Shukra Dev at this time. Apart from this, Venus will also work to bring compatibility in the love life of the lovers.

But despite this, you have to avoid getting into any kind of dispute with your partner. On the other hand, married people will also get the support of luck, in such a situation, there will be sweetness in the relationship of married people and they will be able to achieve progress at work. But to keep yourself healthy, you have to stop letting the most negative thoughts dominate you during this period.

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha regularly and offer him laddoos.


Venus rules over your fourth and eleventh house and now the planet is going to move into your sixth house, so this time period is going to do wonders for you. The full support of luck is on the cards. Especially those people who are involved in any partnership business will earn profit and good profits in their business.

This period will also be favorable for the students of this zodiac. Because all the efforts made by them will be successful at this time. Also, this will be the time when you will try to understand a difficult subject by giving the best of your shots.

Now, if we talk about your financial life, then this position of Venus is indicating the possibility of you acquiring monetary benefits as well. Even with some mild challenges, you are going to make it through this life.

Remedy: Offer rice Kheer to Lord Shiva.


As a ruling lord of the third and tenth house, Venus will move into the fifth house of Leo natives. In such a situation, the conjunction of Venus with Mars in your fifth house is going to give you the most favorable results with regard to your education and love.

During this period, employed natives will make progress at the workplace. Also, if you are involved in the business of the partnership, then you will spend a good time with your partner and improve your relationship with them. Also, this position of Venus will prove to be particularly favorable for the students who are preparing for any government job. All of your efforts will be graced with success.

If you are looking for a new job, then you will get a good opportunity amplified by good luck. Also, this time period is building spaces for employed people to get a good promotion in their current job as well.

Remedy: Soak some rice in water in a copper vessel and put them in the Sun regularly.


For Virgo natives, Venus is the ruling lord of the second and ninth houses and now Venus will be transiting in your fourth house. The conjunction of Venus in your fourth house with Mars already present there will create the chances of giving you auspicious results. During this time there will be chances of an increase in your comfort, luxury and convenience.

Those people who were thinking of getting a new house or vehicle are going to get favorable opportunities during this period. However, it is also possible for some of your expenses to increase, hence take any monetary decision very carefully.

You will be getting the full support of luck in your career. As a result of which you will progress and at the same time new avenues of money will also open for you in life.

Remedy: Offer raisins to Goddess Lakshmi by visiting any temple.


Apart from being the ruling lord of your sign, Venus also rules over your eighth house and now it will be transiting in your third house during this period. Since Venus is your zodiac lord already and now its position in the third house can give you mixed results. During this time you need to take special care of your health. In such a situation, eat only home-cooked food as far as possible and avoid fried food items.

Also, you will have to avoid travelling during this position of Venus. Long-distance travel can be painful for you at this time. You will also need to be very careful at the workplace. The fear is high that your enemies will constantly try to dominate you. Therefore, you will need to work harder than before during this period. Because only after working hard, you will be able to get the result as per your wish.

Remedy: Offer gifts to small girls.


Venus takes pride in being the ruling lord of the twelfth house and seventh house of Scorpio natives and now during this time, the planet will be in your second house. At this time, Venus’ conjunction with Mars already present in your second house, will create Yogas for wealth acquisition in your zodiac. As a result of this, you will see money being received through many mediums at this time.

If any of your money was stuck somewhere, then it can also be recovered during this period, due to which your financial crisis will also be removed. However, despite this, you are advised to control your expenses from the very beginning. Because it is feared that this situation will also bring an increase in your expenses. Therefore, it is better to make a purchase by making the right budget plan.

With regards to love relationships, the time is auspicious for unmarried people. You will spend a good time with your loved one at this time. But married people will have to face some struggles in their married life. There might be a fear that this position of Venus will affect your relationship with your spouse. Therefore, if possible, keep yourself calm during this time and do not give much importance to what you hear. Apart from this, in terms of healthy life, Venus will help those people who are already troubled by some disease and make way for a stable health.

Remedy: Always carry a red coloured handkerchief in your purse or pocket.


Venus rules over your sixth house and eleventh house and now during this time, the morning star will be in your own sign, which means your ascendant house. In such a situation, the path of Venus in your zodiac i.e. in your first house will work to give you more favorable results than usual.

On the financial side also, new avenues of wealth will open for you during this period. Along with this, many people will also be able to get money suddenly, as a result of which you will be able to implement the projects which you were having trouble implementing due to lack of funds.

Now talk about your family life, then the people of this zodiac will get the support of their family members at this time. You can also get some good news related to the family. Apart from this, you can also participate in any auspicious work. Along with this, there will also be chances of getting any kind of property from the family, which will give you good benefits. It is also possible for many people to meet an old friend and you will feel very happy meeting them. At the same time, from the point of view of health, this time will be auspicious for you. Especially those people who were troubled by their old problem for a long time, they will be able to get rid of their disease by the infinite grace of Shukra Dev.

Remedy: Donate green things and regularly offer green Durva grass to Ganesh ji.


For the natives of Capricorn, Venus is the lord of your fifth and tenth house and now they will be moving in the twelfth house for the people of Capricorn at this time. In such a situation, the passage of Venus in your twelfth house is going to be very auspicious for you.

Most of all, at this time you will get chances of getting immense success in your field of work. Apart from this, those people who are associated with the business are also going to be able to get new opportunities in their business. However, you will need to be careful towards your opponents and enemies at the workplace. Because there is a possibility that they will constantly try to dominate you, but will not be successful in their work.

Now talking about your love relationship, this position of Venus will make the sum of giving auspicious results in love life to the loving people. In such a situation, if you want to take forward the matter of your marriage in front of your beloved during this time, then the time is going to be favorable for him.

Remedy: Worship Maa Katyayani regularly and chant her mantras as per law.


Venus is a favorable planet for Aquarius and it rules the 4th and 9th houses of your zodiac. Now, it will be moving into the eleventh house of the people of Aquarius at this time. In such a situation, Venus will move into your eleventh house and will conjunct with Mars already present there, as a result of which you may take some time to get money in life.

However, by the grace of Venus, you will be able to achieve many types of material pleasures. In such a situation, some people may also decide to invest more of their money in the greed of huge profits. But they are advised to avoid doing so, otherwise, it is possible to harm you.

Now talking about your career, you will get satisfaction at this time in your work at the workplace. At the same time, this situation in family life is showing the possibility of some auspicious program happening in the family. Apart from this, a small guest will be the reason for bringing happiness to the family of many natives, which they were waiting for a long time. Also, this period of Venus is going to be very auspicious for the loving natives in terms of love affairs as well.

Remedy: Take a bath daily by adding black sesame seeds in water.


Venus is the lord of the third house and the eighth house of the people of Pisces and moving in the tenth house of the people of Pisces at this time. In such a situation, this position of Venus in your tenth house is going to be auspicious for you in many ways.

You will get good success, especially in your career, due to which you will get progress in the field. At this time, all your efforts made at the workplace will be successful, as well as the chances of you getting successful in any big project are also visible. Many natives will also get an opportunity to go on some field-related journey at this time and this journey will prove to be very favorable for you.

Now talking about your love affairs, this period is going to favor the married people with luck. Because you will be able to make your relationship sweet with your life partner. At the same time, those married people who were thinking of expansion in their family should have Venus in their life.

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