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Venus Combust in Sagittarius (4 January 2022)- Timing and Importance

Venus Combust in Sagittarius

Meaning of Combustion in Astrology

Combustion is the phenomenon that occurs when any planet combines with the Sun within ten degrees in a particular sign. Venus combustion is taking place on January 4, 2022. Such a phenomenon of Venus combustion is occurring in the Sagittarius sign ruled by Jupiter. Here Venus is getting close to the Sun on January 4, 2022, in the sign Sagittarius.

So the natural tendency of the planet as a result of combustion is powerlessness. For example, when Saturn conjuncts with the Sun, a person may face problems in career, work pressure, less satisfaction in career and lack of recognition etc. Some natives who are team leaders may also face loss of reputation etc. Some may have fears about the future.

Venus in Vedic Astrology

Venus is an indicator of happiness, luxuries and pleasures etc. It denotes marriage and other auspicious events. A person who has a strong Venus in a horoscope will be able to lead a happy life with their partner, these persons will be fond of traveling and will be more interested in changing their lifestyle and thereby increasing their comforts.

Venus Combust In Sagittarius on January 4, 2022: Timing

Venus Combust starts in Sagittarius on 4 January 2022 at 7:44 am and Venus combustion ends on 14 January 2022 at 5:29 am in Sagittarius.

Venus gets combusted and gets close to the Sun in the sign Sagittarius in the sign ruled by Jupiter. Due to this, the natural tendency of satisfaction, happiness in life may be missing for the person who is in love. During this state of combustion, events like starting a love, Conducting marriages may not be advisable during this time and doing so will give serious setbacks.

Venus will be coming back to its normal state on January 14, 2022. Due to this, there will be auspicious coming into existence in the form of love, mutual understanding and satisfaction. Those who are about to enter into love can make use of this period to see results in their favour. It may be an ideal time to conduct events like marriage after January 14, 2022.


Aries is a fiery and masculine zodiac sign. For Aries natives, Venus is the second and seventh house lord and placed in the ninth house. Due to this, results may not be favorable and ego related problems may occur. Luck may not be possible for these natives and there may be obstacles that these natives may face to meet their ends.

On the career front, there can be work pressure and less recognition received from your superiors and this may cause less satisfaction. If you are expecting any promotion and other benefits like that, then it may not be high time for you to meet with the same.

If you are doing business, then you may face multiple problems in terms of business relationships with your partner. You may be able to secure better profits during this time, but at the same time, you may not be able to fulfill the expected targets that you may wish to do in your line of business.

Financially, you may gain good money from foreign sources, incentives and other extra benefits. But at the same time, you may not be in a position to retain the money that you are earning.

On the personal front, you may face some differences with your life partner due to ego related problems. You may enter into arguments very frequently with your life partner. As a result, happiness in your life will get disturbed.

On the health front, you may be prone to fatigue, obesity and eye-related problems etc. Due to this, you may need to resort to treatment and practices such as yoga/meditation etc.

Remedy: Perform Homa for planet Venus on Friday.


Taurus is a feminine and earthy zodiac sign. For Taurus natives, Venus is the first and sixth house lord and placed in the eighth house. Due to this, there can be gains in an unexpected manner via inheritance, shares and loans etc.

On the professional front, you may be facing certain relationship problems with your superiors and obstacles with the work that you are doing. You may be facing obstacles to completing even simple tasks. Troubles from colleagues may be possible for you during this time.

If you are doing business, then you may face the situation of landing in trouble to carry on with the same. Expected profits may not be possible for you with respect to your business and you may land in a situation of no-profit/no-loss.

Financially, you may face some troubles with your commitments and thereby need to spend money on the health of your family members. There may be moderate scope for you to save money and such chances may not be easily possible.

On the personal front, due to certain issues in the family, you may not be able to maintain a good relationship with your life partner and thereby arguments and miscommunication may arise. You need to keep your anger in check and adjust with some things in order to maintain a satisfactory marital life. In terms of health, you may be prone to throat pain, digestion problems and pain in the thighs.

Remedy: Chant “Om Shukraya Namaha” daily 24 times.


Gemini is airy and a common zodiac sign. For Gemini natives, Venus is the fifth and twelfth house lord and placed in the seventh house. Let us know how this combustion is going to be for Gemini natives.

On the professional front, you may be able to win appreciation from your superiors and colleagues. Your performance at work will be acknowledged and you may be able to receive incentives and other benefits. You may also be going abroad with respect to your job. If you are in business, then you may find this time to be good to earn profits and expand your boundaries. You will also be able to maintain a good relationship with your business partner and secure their good value. You will be able to value your intelligence and utilize the same for your business progress and throw more light on the same.

On the financial front, you may be able to grow more and save money. During this time, there may be a scope for you to save and earn good money. Out of hard work, you may gain extra benefits in the form of incentives, bonuses etc and this may result in developing your financial base.

On the personal front, you will be able to develop good maturity and understanding of your partner. Both you and your partner will have a friendly relationship and understand each other well. This will help you both to strengthen your bond and flourish together. On the health side, you may not be facing major health problems except stress, tiredness etc. Try and opt for meditation and Yoga.

Remedy: Donate food to old age Brahmins on Thursday and take their blessings.


Cancer is a watery and moving zodiac sign. For Cancer natives, Venus is the fourth and eleventh house lord and placed in the sixth house. Due to this,

On the professional front, it may not be a smooth period for you with respect to your job as there may be uncertain situations that you may need to meet with your superiors and they may not recognize the quality of your work done. Due to this, you may not be able to receive promotions and other benefits and this may cause you disappointments.

If you are in business, then meeting a high level of profits won’t be possible for you. There may be a shortfall in expected profits. Even if you secure the same, you may not be in a position to retain the profits that you have met with. Also, you may be facing relationship problems with your partner in business, which can further add to the problems.

On the monetary front, you may have to face high expenses during this period, and you may not be able to fulfill your goals. There are chances for you to face loss also. Due to a shortfall of money, you may be put into the situation of borrowing money in the form of loans.

In terms of love and relationships, there may not be a good rapport between you and your partner. Adjust well with your life partner for the betterment of your relationship. On the health side, you may need to spend money on the health of your mother, thereby resulting in huge expenses. Take good care of your eyes and look after your mother as well.

Remedy: Donate food to crows on Saturdays.


Leo is a fiery, fixed zodiac sign. For Leo natives, Venus is the third and tenth house lord and is placed in the fifth house. Due to this, problems in the growth and development of children may be a source of concern for you.

On the professional front, you may have to go on some unwanted travel and transfers, which will not serve your purpose. For the hard work that you are doing, you may not be getting the essential recognition, which may become a source of concern for you. Those doing business in partnership may have to face some communication issues with their partner. This may impact your income and profit levels, which can see a rapid decline. Financially, it may be a situation of moderate returns and thereby your scope will be restricted. There will also be little money to save, which will lead to you resorting to a strict budget.

There will be a lack of harmony witnessed by you with your life partner when we talk about your personal life. This can be due to some misunderstandings or lack of emotional satisfaction. Sit together and talk it out, as there’s no point fuming over petty issues.

On the health side, you may need to spend money on the health of your children. They may be prone to allergies. On your side, you may need to resist and take care of your health as there may be chances for obesity on your part.

Remedy: Chant Durga Chalisa.


Virgo is a common and earthy zodiac sign. For Virgo natives, Venus is the second and ninth house lord and placed in the fourth house. Due to this, there may be better results possible in the efforts that you are facing. You may get chances to meet new friends and associate with them.

On the professional front, you will be doing well in your job and will gain recognition for the work that you do. There may be good chances for you to get a promotion. You will be supported by your superiors and colleagues. If you are in business, then you will have fine chances to earn good profits and retain the same. Venturing into a new line of business may also be possible for you during this course of time.

On the financial side, you will be able to earn a good amount of money and save the same. You will be able to amass extra money in the form of bonuses, perks due to your good performance.

In your personal life, you will be able to maintain good relationships with family members and your life partner. As a result of this, bonding between you and your life partner will tighten and become better. On the health side, you may be able to manage your health effectively and there will not be major health problems. You may be prone to pain in your legs.

Remedy: Chant Vishnu Sahasrnamam daily.


Libra is a male and airy zodiac sign. For Libra natives, Venus is the first and eighth house lord and is placed in the third house. Due to this, good results may not be possible with ease. You may face hidden opposition from your friends as well.

On the professional front, you will be prone to job pressure and this may cause worries for you. You may look out for options to change jobs or go abroad for a job. Chances are that you may face issues with your superiors, which can impact your professional relationships with them. Problems may arise with your colleagues and they may try to bother you.

If you are in business, then you may not be able to gain high profits during this course of time and expectations on your part may fall behind. You may secure moderate profits and this may become the cause for concern for you. You may be facing problems with your business partner as they may give you trouble.

You may need to face more expenses during this course of time when we talk about finances. Whatever money that you may be gaining during this time- may not serve your purpose. You may not be incur satisfaction with the money that you are earning, which can further add to your concerns.

On the personal front, you will be indulging in arguments with your life partner and as a result, less harmony will be prevailing. Due to this, you may need to adjust and pave the way for a good understanding and relationship. There may be ego related problems that you may be facing in a relationship with your life partner.

On the health side, you will not be having major health problems except pain in the legs and thighs and this may be a stress on you.

Remedy: Worship Goddess Durga in a temple on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Scorpio is a female and watery zodiac sign, and for them, Venus is the seventh and twelfth house lord and is placed in the second house. Due to this, favourable results may not be possible with ease. There may be less happiness.

Professionally, you may not be able to complete the job on time and this may cause concern for you. There may be relationship issues with your superiors and colleagues. You may be facing job pressure and you may not be able to gain recognition for the hard work that you are doing.

If you are in business, then you may not be able to achieve high-end results with respect to profits and securing the same. There may be a situation of loss also that you may be facing. You may also get into trouble with your business partners. So it will be fine for you to plan and run the business in a secure manner. On the financial side, you may be meeting with high expenses and chances for facing loss may be possible during this course of time. You may not be able to maintain the funds that you gave accrued and such things may result in unwanted expenses constantly arising.

On the personal front, harmony in a relationship with your life partner will be a scarcity as there may be chances for arguments with your life partner due to ego related issues. On the health side, you will not face major health problems except eye-related issues, which may bother you.

Remedy: Chant Soundarya Lahiri.


Sagittarius is a male and fiery zodiac sign. For Sagittarius natives, Venus is the sixth and eleventh house lord and placed in the first house. Due to this, you may be prone to allergies and cold-related issues.

On the professional front, job pressure at the workplace will eat your time and energy and professional relationships with superiors may get affected. Despite doing hard work, you may not be able to attain recognition for the hard work that you are doing. This may bother you. If you are in business, then you may need to plan well and run the show in an efficient manner. There may be issues with your business partners and due to this, you may face some losses. It may not be fine for you to pursue major decisions with respect to your business like new investments etc. during this period.

Financially, you may run into expenses due to the high level of commitments that you are facing. You may not be able to maintain funds to save. You may be put into the situation of borrowing and thereby you may need to opt for loans. On the personal front, you will be facing less happiness in a relationship with your life partner due to problems ongoing in the family. Due to this, you may need to adjust with your life partner and maintain mutual rapport. You may be prone to stress and due to this, you may need to go for meditation to keep your health in check. This will help you calm yourself down and act accordingly.

Remedy: Offer milk to Lord Shiva in the temple.


Capricorn is a female and earthy zodiac sign. For Capricorn natives, Venus is the fifth and tenth house lord and placed in the twelfth house. Due to this, you may face obstacles and delays in the efforts that you are making. You may not be able to attain enough happiness because of that.

On the professional front, your skills may not be rewarded by your superiors and the hard work that you are doing will not be addressed, which may cause you worries. You may be subjected to high work pressure at the workplace. If you are managing a business, then it may be better for you to be patient as the situation may not be cordial to meet with high-end success with respect to the same. Profits that you may be getting will fall short of your expectations. You may be facing issues with your business partner. It is also fine for you to avoid major decisions with respect to your business.

On the finance side, you may be gaining money, but the money that you may be earning may not be sufficient to meet your commitments. There may be situations that will be possible in which you may be put to meeting unwanted expenses and due to this, you may be put to the situation of availing loans.

On the personal front, you will have less harmony in your relationship with your partner. This may be due to ego related issues that will be possible and this may cause worries for you. On the health side, you may be having pain in your legs, joints etc. You may also face digestion related problems due to loss of immunity.

Remedy: Donate curd rice to married women for 6 Fridays.


Aquarius is a female and airy zodiac sign. For Aquarius natives, Venus is the fourth and ninth house lord and is placed in the eleventh house. Due to this, you will meet with a high level of success and happiness. You may get lucky and things may turn well in your favor.

On the professional front, you will be bestowed with new chances at your job and such chances may fulfill your happiness. Promotion and other incentives may be on cards for you with respect to the work that you are doing. You will be rewarded well by your superiors during this time.

If you are in business, then it will be good for you to meet with high-end profits that may turn in your favor. You may go for new tie-ups in business or enter into a new line of business to expand your boundaries. You may also be able to gain support from your business partner. You will be finding a splendid time in earning a good amount of money for the work that you are doing. You will most probably get an increase in salary for the work that you are doing.

On the personal front, happiness and cordiality in a relationship will prevail with your life partner. Smooth bond with your life partner will be established and this may be possible due to the good understanding formed between you and your life partner. On the health side, you will be successful in maintaining good fitness and a high level of energy. This will lead to the development of a high level of enthusiasm within you.

Remedy: Worship Goddess Lakshmi daily and light ghee lamp.


Pisces is a male and fiery zodiac sign. For Pisces natives, Venus is the third and eighth house lord and placed in the tenth house. Due to this placement, you may be facing problems in the tasks that you are doing. Generally, you may be missing out on happiness and joyous moments in life.

On the professional front, you will be facing troubles from superiors, who can act partially with you when it comes to recognizing your hard work in front of others. This can push you to look out for other employment options. If you are in business, then you may be put in a situation of loss. Your scope to expand your line of business may become limited. There may be problems in the distribution of shares with your business partner.

On the financial front, you will be facing more expenses than income during this course of time. Also, the efforts that you make to gain more money may get delayed. Chances for unexpected loss may be possible for you and this may give you disappointments. On the personal front, you will be facing less happiness in a relationship with your life partner due to a lack of understanding. There may be chances for arguments with your life partner. In such a situation, communicate well and try to understand your partner’s point of view. Healthwise, you may be having throat problems. However, there will not be major health problems.

Remedy: Worship Goddess Durga and Goddess Lakshmi daily.

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